스포츠스타 광고모델의 광고효과분석
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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 연구결과
1. 인구통계학적 변인에 따른 광고모델의 광고효과 분석
2. 모델의 유형에 따른 광고효과 분석
3. 제품관여도에 따른 광고모델의 광고효과 분석
4. 스포츠 관여도에 따른 광고효과 분석
5. 광고모델 속성과 광고에 대한 태도간의 다중회귀분석

Ⅳ. 결론 및 논의



ion of a Scale to Measure Celebrity Endorsers' Perceived Expertise, Trustworthiness, and Attractiveness. Journal of Advertising, 19(3), 39-52.
Ohanian, R. (1991). The impact of celebrity spokesperson's perceived image on consumer's intention to purchase. Journal of Advertising Research, 31(1), 46-53.
An Analytical Study on the Advertising Effects of
Sports Star Advertisement Models
Jin, Ji-Hyung·Cho, Kwang-Min
The objective of this study consists in inquiring into problems as to what advertising attitudes and effects sport star models'advertisement has upon consumers via a comparison with that of famous public entertainers in an effort to manifest sports star models' advertising effects, attitudes towards advertisement, attitudes towards products, and attributes, and then providing positive data needed for utilizing sports advertisement models for a marketing purpose.
For that purpose, high school boys and girls in seoul were taken as a population, and the sampling methodology used depended after selecting four high schools in Seoul upon the convenience sampling method, an non-probability sampling method. To the subjects 600 copies of the questionnaire specially made out for this study were distributed, and after all 544 copies were utilized for analysis of data. The statistical methodology used had recourse to mean & standard deviation, frequency analysis, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple scope test, Pearson correlation, multiple regression analysis, etc.
The resultant findings out of the above processes were revealed, as follows:
1. As a result of having analysed advertising effects by sex, a statistically significant difference was found in attractiveness in case of a sports star, while a statistically significant difference was also identified in attractiveness and professionality in case of a famous public entertainer.
2. As a result of having compared the advertising effects of sports star advertising models and those of famous public entertainer models, no statistically significant difference was represented in attitudes towards advertisement, attitudes towards products, and attractiveness but a statistically significant difference was reflected in reliability and professionality.
3. As a result of having compared advertising effects according to the degree of involvement with the related products, a statistically significant difference was indicated merely in attractiveness in high involvement products, whereas a statistically significant difference in attractiveness, professionality, and reliance in low involvement products.
4. The results of having analysed sports stars' advertising effects by their involvement with sports showed a statistically significant difference in all factors.
5. The results of having analysed the relations between advertising models' attributes and attitudes towards advertisement pointed out the fact that advertising models' attributes had an effect upon attitudes towards advertisement.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2003.03.28
  • 저작시기2003.03
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#222019
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