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영어학습지도안에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


o correct sentence 1?
Unit 3 High School Life in America
Additional Practice: 1. Ss will be able to complete a sentence logically, connecting two sentences.
2. Ss will be able to use frequency adverbs properly.
Deeper Study: 3. Ss will be able to write down their opinions about schools.
4. Ss will be able to play an information gap game to find hidden objects.
(5 mins.)
1. T divides the class into two groups.
T: Today some of you will have a review, and some of you will have a challenge. I've divided the class into two groups.
2. T tells each group what they will do today.
T: (to C group) You are group A. You will be doing page 76. This is a review of some things from this unit. (to F group) You are group B. You will talk about your high school life.
(20 mins.)
Additional Practice
1. T asks Ss to do the pair work.
T: Group A, work with a partner. Do part A. You have to match the beginning of each sentence with the end. After you are finished, translate each sentence into Korean. Write them in your notebooks.
2. T explains the translated sentences using real object projector. Then Ss do part B.
T: Group A, look at the document camera. Here are the translations for those sentences. Do you understand? Now go on to part B. Fill in the blanks and say the sentences with your partner.
3. T asks Ss to make 6 sentences using frequency adverbs from the box and to read them to their partners.
T: Group A, are you finished? Now, I want you to write six sentences using the target words. For example, what is something you NEVER do? Write them down and then read your sentences to your partner.
4. T asks Ss to study the Language Note.
T: Now, everyone, both groups A and group B, let's do the last part of this unit together. Look at the bottom of page 76. There is a language note. Let's read it together. Does anyone have a question about that?
Document camera,
Power Point,
(20 mins.)
Deeper Study
1. T asks Ss to practice A orally.
T: Group B, look at part A. Write two more sentences for each part. Then talk with your partner.
2. T asks Ss to write down the answers for A.
T: Are you finished? Now write your answers to the question.
3. T asks Ss to do B with their partners.
T: Let's move on to Part B. This is an information gap exercise. Read the exercise and then do it with your partner. Do not look at your partner's drawing! Also, remember to use the English words, not the Korean ones.
Document camera
(5 mins.)
1. T asks Ss for feedback.
T: Today we did things a little differently. How was it? Tell me about how you felt to be in two large groups.
2. T collects the sentences produced during the class.
T: I will need to collect the sentences you wrote. Group A, let me have the sentences you wrote for part B.(frequency adverb sentences) Group B, let me have the sentences you wrote for part A.
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수23페이지
  • 등록일2007.06.25
  • 저작시기2007.6
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#416792
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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