공정실습 결과보고서-Analysis of Single Crystal(Bulk, thinfilm, nanowire)
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공정실습 결과보고서-Analysis of Single Crystal(Bulk, thinfilm, nanowire)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Single crystal bulk
1.1 Theory
1.2 Method of growing single crystal 'KDP'
-\"Aqueous solution method\"
1.3 Result
1.4 Conclusion

2. Single crystal thin film
2.1 Theory
2.2 Method of growing single crystal 'ZnO Film'
2.3 Result
2.4 Conclusion

3. Single crystal nanowire
3.1 Theory
3.2 Method of growing single crystal nanowire of ZnO -\" Wet-Chemistry\"
3.3 Result
3.4 Conclusion

4. Reference


because of many limitation.
(3)Application of ZnO nanowire
① We can see the ZnO nanowire sturcture that space of Zn atom and O atom is not regular but lean to the up direction. In other words, it has a little bit polarity. By the time it get a pressure, this space is more and more lean to the up direction and has more polarity. So, ZnO make a electricity about 60mA. Therefore, we can apply to a piezoelectric device.
② ZnO nano wire application possibility is confirmed in various field application possibility. Especially, ZnO has wide band gap and higher Exciton combination energy. So in short wavelength field, application is researched heavily as a light electricity device. ZnO application of nano wires is that FETdevice, SETdevice, SAWdevice, Ultraviolet radiation device, Sun electric cell, sensor, Optical fiber, UVsensor, a light switch, a spin device, etc.
Fig20. Application of nanowire
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  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수20페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.11
  • 저작시기2009.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#572826
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