플라톤(Plato)의 윤리사상 비판
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플라톤(Plato)의 윤리사상 비판에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


플라톤(Plato)의 윤리사상 비판


A picture of the flower is, therefore, two steps removed from reality. This also meant that the artist is two steps removed from knowledge, and, indeed, Plato's frequent criticism of the artists is that they lack genuine knowledge of what they are doing. Artistic creation, Plato observed, seems to be rooted in a kind of inspired madness.
64플라톤은예술이갖는종교및도덕적기능을인정하긴했어도본질적으로예술을무가치한것으로간주했다. 역시그의접근은이데아론에기초해있다. 예컨대아름다운꽃은보편적이데아로서의꽃또는미(美)를모방한것이기때문이다. 물체로서의꽃은진정한실체즉실재(reality)로부터한발자국떨어져있는 (불완전한) 것이다. 이는곧예술가들은꽃의형상에대한앎으로부터두발자국이나떨어져있는것을의미한다. 플라톤이빈번하게예술가들을비판했는데이는예술가들이하는것에대한진정한앎이부족하기때문이었다. 예술창조는그가보기에는영감을가진광기속에서가능한것으로보였다.
66Plato's influence throughout the history of philosophy has been monumental. When he died, Speusippus became head of the Academy. The school continued in existence until ad 529, when it was closed by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, who objected to its pagan teachings. Plato's impact on Jewish thought is apparent in the work of the 1st-century Alexandrian philosopher Philo Judaeus.
67철학사에끼친플라톤의영향력은기념비적이다. 그가죽었을때스퓌시퍼스가아카데미의장이되었다. 학교는 529년까지존재했었다. 그해에비잔틴의황제유스티니누스 1세에의해학교는폐쇄되었다. 이유스티니아누스 1세는이교도적가르침을반대했기때문이다. 유태교의사상에도플라톤이영향을주었던바, 이는 1세기에알렉산드리아의철학자‘필로유태우스’의작품에서도드러나고있다.
68Neoplatonism, founded by the 3rd-century philosopher Plotinus, was an important later development of Platonism. The theologians Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and St. Augustine were early Christian exponents of a Platonic perspective. Platonic ideas have had a crucial role in the development of Christian theology and also in medieval Islamic thought (see Islam).
69신플라톤주의는 3세기의플로티노스에의해등장했는데, 이는플라톤주의의중요한발전이라할수있다. 신학자오리곤, 성어거스틴(아우구스티누스)도기원후의초기플라톤적사고의주창자들이다. 플라톤사상은크리스트교신학과중세이슬람사상의발전에결정적인영향을준다.
70During the Renaissance, the primary focus of Platonic influence was the Florentine Academy, founded in the 15th century near Florence. Under the leadership of Marsilio Ficino, members of the Academy studied Plato in the original Greek. In England, Platonism was revived in the 17th century by Ralph Cudworth and others who became known as the Cambridge Platonists. Plato's influence has been extended into the 20th century by such thinkers as Alfred North Whitehead, who once paid him tribute by describing the history of philosophy as simply “a series of footnotes to Plato.”
71르네상스기동안에플라톤의영향력은 15세기플로렌스인근에세워진플로렌타인대학에서계속되었다. 마실리오피치노의지도에따라대학의구성원들은그리이스원전으로플라톤을연구했다. 영국에서플라톤주의는 17세기에쿠드워드와다른학자들에의해연구되었다. 이들은캠브리지플라톤주의자들로알려져있다. 플라톤의영향력은화이트헤드와같은학자들에의해 20세기에더확장되었다. 화이트헤드는서양의철학사는단지플라톤에대한각주(脚註)일따름이라고하며플라톤에대해찬사를표현하기도했다.
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1.플라톤의이데아사상은관념론의대표적인사례이다. 진리는그렇게관념의세계에변치않는즉불변의추상적존재로있을까아니면현실속에서원자, 세포등과같은구체적인사물로존재하는것일까? 수학적진리와과학적진리를비교하시오.
2.플라톤의진리관은헤라클레이토스의철학사상과다르다. 왜그럴까?
4.플라톤의사상이갖는한계로, 그의사상이전체주의즉독재를만들어내는철학적배경이된다고지적되고있다. 특히칼포퍼의책[개방사회와그적들 1권]에서이것을주장하고있다. 왜그럴까?
5.플라톤의책 [국가론]에서소피스트의한사람인젊은청년이정의는강자의이익이라고한다. 즉권력이강한자가지시하고판단하는것이곧정의라는것이다. 이말을소크라테스는반박해나간다. 어떤내용으로반박할까?
6.플라톤에게영향을준피타고라스는영혼3분설을주장한것으로도유명하다. 영혼 3가지는이성, 기개, 문답법이다.


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