귀족마케팅 광고의 크리에이티브 표현에 관한 연구
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귀족마케팅 광고의 크리에이티브 표현에 관한 연구에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


국문 초록

I. 서론
Ⅰ. 1. 연구배경 및 목적
Ⅰ. 2. 연구범위 및 방법

II. 귀족마케팅의 이론적 배경
Ⅱ. 1.「Ford-모델 T」의 상징적 의미
Ⅱ. 2. 사회현상으로서의 고급소비
1. 고급소비의 요인
2. 고급소비의 사회적 기능
3. 고급소비자 유형
Ⅱ. 3. 국내 고급소비 트렌드
1. 소비의 양극화
2. 소비의 고급화
Ⅱ. 4. 귀족마케팅의 개념
1. 귀족마케팅의 배경
2. 귀족마케팅의 특징
3. 귀족마케팅 제품의 주요 타겟

III. 광고 크리에이티브의 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 1. 하우크(Haug)의 상품미학과 광고
1. 상품미학의 가학성
2. 현금화 관심과 광고
Ⅲ. 2. 크리에이티브의 정의와 특성
1. 크리에이티브의 정의
2. 창조적 사고 과정
Ⅲ. 3. 표현전략과 크리에이티브의 유형
1. 크리에이티브 컨셉소스유형
2. 크리에이티브의 소구유형
3. 크리에이티브의 실행유형
4. 크리에이티브의 표현유형-비주얼유형
5. 크리에이티브의 표현유형-카피유형

Ⅳ. 국내 고급자동차 귀족마케팅 광고의 크리에이티브 분석
Ⅳ. 1. 분석방법 및 기준
1. 분석대상
2. 분석유목
Ⅳ. 2. 유형별 크리에이티브 분석
1. 컨셉소스별 분석
2. 소구유형별 분석
3. 실행유형별 분석
4. 비주얼유형별 분석-일러스트레이션
5. 비주얼유형별 분석-레이아웃
6. 카피유형별 분석

Ⅴ. 결론


n pursue the orientation for the more effective prestige marketing advertising through analyzing how this advertising creative has been orientated.
The consumer psychology can be symbolized by「Model T」 of Ford Corporation. In this consumer psychology, as the basic possession needs for automobiles were satisfied, the mass consumption pattern began to change toward the diversity preference. When automobiles were scarce, consumer's needs for automobiles could be sufficiently satisfied by only the spread of automobiles. On the contrary, after the spread of automobiles was completed, consumers began to want the other more differentiated things. Because the mass psychology wanted to possess differentiation, this psychology changed the production system of automobiles. And so, the mass psychology want to possess not the product but the meaning of the automobiles made from this changed production system. Now, about 100 years later, the change of consumer's propensity and period shifted not only the automobile market but also the domestic high-end luxury consumption trend to the period of market bipolarization and high-end luxury market. This change of human psychology and society transforms consumption behavior, and so firms express diverse creative in order to show their products more esthetically to their major consumers. Now, firms focus not on the original material use value of products but on the psychological value, which consumers can acquire by purchasing products.
This study analyzed 130 prestige marketing printed advertisements of domestic high-end luxury automobiles, which were published from 1999 to the first half of 2004. This study analyzed those subjects by concept source type, appeal type, execution type, visual type, and copy type, on the basis of the related theory on advertising types. According to the results of this study, the conclusion of this study was as follows.
The prestige marketing advertisements of domestic high-end luxury automobiles mostly approached their consumers emotionally on the basis of Unique Selling Proposition Strategy for "value". They did not explain the utility of products by words, but they appealed to consumer's favor for products by images, and produced the pride for products by the balanced layout of product images. Their copies also defined the product images straightforwardly through emotional approach.
Consumers do not assign intentionally their time for seeing our advertisements. They have no spare time to see ardently our advertisements. They have no good memory to remember all the messages of our advertisements. Therefore, we should catch the short instant going past by us, and we need our creative so as to penetrate the message and image of our communication, and induce the anticipated responses of consumers, and stimulate the needs of consumers. We should present the creative to penetrate consumer's heart and head by developing the consistent, deep message and the easy, strong, visual message.


  • 가격4,300
  • 페이지수42페이지
  • 등록일2005.04.01
  • 저작시기2005.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#290964
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