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d in the church to sing the hymn for Easter. I sang 'Hallelujah' of Handel. I couldn't managed to catch high pitches. The song was hard to sing for me as a tenor. He was so nice of me to wait for me. We ate lunch soon. Frankly speaking, I was tired and wanted to be alone. But I didn't want him to be alone. He wanted to eat dinner with me, but I turned him down. I don't know my choice was good.
All people want to be happy, and people always think about the foundation of human happiness. Many people associate happiness with riches. Most people assume more money makes them happy. However happiness cannot be bought with money. The rich are not always happy.I think that 'contentment' is the foundation of human happiness. Aristotle said the following about happiness: "Happiness depends upon ourselves." Happy people are satisfied their lives. Even though their lives are not materially well off, they are satisfied with themselves. Happy people don't want to change anything about their lives but unhappy people grumble about their surroundings and compare themselves with other people. Happiness depends on how we look at the world. It is almost unrelated to surrounding conditions to feel happiness or misfortune in any moment that we live in. Rather it depends upon accepting our situation. What gives satisfaction to us in life? Psychologists proved through a lot of experiments which people are more satisfied with exchanging their views about situations. A happy mind attitude is the most important. Sometimes we compare ourselves to others who have wealth and we feel unfortunate. But we can get satisfaction to be large on life if we enjoy ourselves. "Are you satisfied yourself and with your life?" If you reply "yes", you are a happy person, because 'contentment' is essential to happiness.
There being no ECHO meeting today, I have some spare time after having dinner. So as soon as I said goodbye to So-young I went up to DFC meeting room in the student building. We call the meeting room "Shalom Room" and at least 40 people visit the room a day. Frankly speaking, I haven't visited the room these days, so meeting people was sort of strange to me. When I opened the door, the speech had already begun. The main subject was how to read the Bible and meditate. DFC members have the same book, Mae-il Bible (means daily Bible) which have daily scriptural phrases. The preacher said we should not only keep meditating the words that the Lord gave but share our opinions to the other members correctly. As I looked back on my life, I never read the Bible. I used to read it and pray. But now, I don't not knowing the reason. After the speech we had some talk and snack. And the leader who is my spiritual father in DFC gathered us and we prayed for many things. Someone prayed loudly, someone in strange language, someone calmly. I was once said that the way pray is not important, but my pray was too small that I wondered if He could hear me. I, then realized that I don't pray.
  • 가격7,000
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.25
  • 저작시기2012.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#577840
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