미·중 패권 경쟁기 동북아 정세와 독도문제
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미·중 패권 경쟁기 동북아 정세와 독도문제에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 독도 영유권 분쟁의 배경
 1. 한국의 독도영유권에 대한 역사적 사실과 근거
 2. 일본의 조선 강점의 첫 번째 희생지 독도
 3. 일본의 패망과 독도의 원상회복
 4. 독도영유권 분쟁과 현안 쟁점

Ⅲ. 독도의 전략적 가치와 동북아 정세의 분석
 1. 독도의 전략적 가치
 2. 한·미·일 관계와 독도문제
 3. 중국의 ‘동진(東進)’과 미·영·일 반중전선 구축
 4. 러시아의 군사전략과 독도
 5. 북한의 독도 인식과 정치적 의도

Ⅳ. 동북아 지역질서의 변화와 독도문제 전망
 1. 동북아 경제질서의 변화
 2. 동북아 안보질서의 변화
 3. 지역질서의 변화와 독도문제

Ⅴ. 독도 영유권 강화를 위한 대응방안
 1. 군사안보전략
 2. 정치외교전략
 3. 경제협력전략

Ⅵ. 맺음말


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< Abstract >
In recent years, Japanese lawmakers are trying to visit the Ulleungdo and Japanese 2011 defense white paper stated that Dokdo is Japanese territory. Japan claimed that Dokdo is japanese territory. In these situational atmosphere, We remind that Dokdo is korean territory by history and international law. We need to know the process of japan stealed Dokdo. We study that after world warⅡ, United states what to do with Japan surrouding the Dokdo. In other words, we need to know the fundamental problem about Dokdo issue. and We will study the strategic value of Dokdo. With the Dokdo issue, Northeast Asian countries act for their country\'s benefit. Dokdo is located East Sea. In East Sea, The United States and China are experiencing the conflict. In the future, East sea will be a major strategic space. Therefore, Dokdo issue is more serious. We should accurately analyze present Northeast Asian\'s situation. In Dokdo issue, The United states does not support us. So we must be prepared. Our diplomatic relations with China and Russia should be strengthened. And we must go further strengthen the real domination. But most important is to augment the force. China, Russia, Japan and all around the country has been augmented force. To begin to confuse the international situation, Armed conflict between great powers can occur. Dokdo issue may be out of our hands. In particular, Japan\'s military buildup is at work here. As we know from history, when the difficult international situation, Japan stole Dokdo. The future of the international situation will become even more confusing. Therefore, we must prepare for the invasion of Japan\'s armed forces. We must augment the naval and air power. Above all, The courage and confidence of the korean people is important.


  • 가격4,000
  • 페이지수40페이지
  • 등록일2012.12.24
  • 저작시기2011.08
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#827324
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