매스미디어의 영향에 관한 모델
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1. 접종 이론
1) 접종 이론의 개념
2) 검증
3) 접종이론의 응용
(1) 선거
(2) 흡연

2. 사회적 학습이론
1) 사회적 학습의 개념
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(2) 학습의 단계와 영향요인
2) 검증
3) 사회적 학습이론의 적용

3. HBM(The Health Belief Model)
1) HBM의 개념
(1) 모델의 구성요소
2) 검증
3) 설득 캠페인에서의 응용


nguage Learning, v.48, n.4., p.631, 1998 (Published: 19981201; Length: 34 pages), Abstract, Full Text (PDF) .
3. Pupils' Experiences of the Annual Health Dialogue with the School Health Nurse, Borup, Ina K. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, v.12, n.3., p.160, 1998 (Type: ORIGINAL ARTICLE; Published: 19980806; Length: 10 pages), Abstract, Full Text (PDF) .
4. Real Jobs: the perspectives of workers with learning difficulties, PATRICIA M. REID ANNE BRAY Disability and Society, v.13, n.2., p.229, 1998 (Published: 19980401), Abstract, Full Text (RealPage) .
5. Community education and crime prevention: confronting foreground and background causes of criminal behavior., Ward, Carolyn Siemens. Violence and Abuse Abstracts, v.5, n.2, 1999 (Type: abstract; Published: 19990401).
6. Factors associated with parents' decision to disclose their HIV diagnosis to their children., Wiener, Lori S. Violence and Abuse Abstracts, v.5, n.2, 1999 (Type: abstract; Published: 19990401).
7. Transference in Social Cognition: Persistence and Exacerbation of Significant-Other-Based Inferences over Time, Noah S. Glassman Cognitive Therapy and Research, v.23, n.1., p.75, 1999 (Published: 19990201).
8. An epidemic of education policy: what can we learn from each other?, Levin, Benjamin. Educational Administration Abstracts, v.34, n.2, 1999 (Type: abstract; Published: 19990401).
9. Social learning in common ravens, Corvus corax, FRITZ, JOHANNES Animal Behaviour, v.57, n.4., p.785, 1999 (Type: Regular Article; Published: 19990401; Length: 9 pages).
10. Critical Delays in HIV Testing and Care: The Potential Role of Stigma, Chesney, Margaret A. American Behavioral Scientist, v.42, n.7., p.1162, 1999 (Type: article; Published: 19990401).
11. age, social learning, and social bonding in adolescent substance use, Ronald L. Akers Deviant Behavior, v.20, n.1., p.1, 1999 (Published: 19990101).
12. The Social Construct of Writing and Thinking: Evidence of How the Expansion of Writing Technology Affects Consciousness, Corso, Gail S. The Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, v.19, n.1., p.32, 1999 (Type: article; Published: 19990201).
13. Factors associated with parents' decision to disclose their HIV diagnosis to their children., Wiener, Lori S. Sage Family Studies Abstracts, v.21, n.1, 1999 (Type: abstract; Published: 19990201).
14. Using social learning theory to explain individual differences in human sexuality., Hogben, Matthew Sage Family Studies Abstracts, v.21, n.1, 1999 (Type: abstract; Published: 19990201).
15. Influence of social learning on exchange rate policy in developing countries: a preliminary finding, KHAMFULA, YOHANE Applied Economics Full Set, v.30, n.05., p.697, 1998 (Published: 19980501).
16. Psychological factors in virtual classroom situations: a pilot study for a model of learning through technological devices, FILOMENA PAPA MARCO PERUGINI SANDRA SPEDALETTI Behaviour & Information Technology, v.17, n.4., p.187, 1998 (Published: 19980701).


  • 가격1,200
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2004.09.06
  • 저작시기2004.09
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#265355
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